Car driver and stakeholder research

Connected Places Catapult (CPC) have conducted research with UK car drivers and stakeholders to better understand public and industry readiness for autonomous valet parking (AVP).

The key questions guiding the research were:

  • What are the key parking pain points that can be resolved by AVP?
  • What are other likely benefits of AVP to users and parking stakeholders?
  • What are the key barriers to AVP deployment and uptake, from a social and behavioural point of view?
  • What will be the likely impact of AVP, on the environment, the economy, and the parking industry?

The report produced details the findings, conclusions and recommendations from a suite of research activities:

  • A literature review to explore existing knowledge about the chosen research topics and questions;
  • Stakeholder interviews with parking professionals and OEMs to explore their views of AVP;
  • Focus group interviews to explore the needs and attitudes of drivers in-depth; and
  • A UK wide survey of 1025 car drivers to examine differences between user groups, and to gauge how common certain attitudes or needs are.

The research found that car drivers would be more receptive to the car taking control in a car park than on the roads and a technology solution that can reduce the stress of parking and make parking easier would be appealing. One in five drivers would like to use AVP now with a further 40% open to the idea but wanting to know more about it. Likely early adopters would be younger male drivers and those who have previously used driver assistance technology or have previously used a valet parking service.

Please see the full report of the research here.

1 Comment

  1. TPS Industrial Ltd

    This one is very useful article. Thank you so much for sharing your content about the car driver and stakeholder research.

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